

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

hegelpd – AHS Workshop: “Logic, Metaphysics and Nature: Themes from Hegel” (Padova, 15 June 2018)

We are happy to announce that the workshop “Logic, Metaphysics and Nature: Themes from Hegel” will take place at the University of Padova on June 15th 2018.

The event is jointly organised by the Research Group on Classical German Philosophy (hegelpd) and the Australian Hegel Society (AHS).

You can find the flyer and the complete programme of the event below.


Hegelpd-AHS Workshop: "Logic, Metaphysics and Nature: Themes from Hegel" (Padova, 15 June 2018) 2

15 June 2018
Università degli studi di Padova
Sala Stefanini


9.30: INTRODUCTION: L. Illetterati – H. Ikäheimo.

Chair: Luca Corti

10.00: H. IKÄHEIMO (Sydney): Hegel and Liberal Naturalism

11.00: Coffee Break

11.15: N. SBOLCI (Padova) From the philosophia naturalis to the Naturphilosophie. Some Remarks on the Notion of ‘Philosophy of Nature’ in Hegel’s Encyclopedia.

12.00 – Break

12.15 G. MIOLLI (Padova): Hegel’s Logic of Judgment

13.00 – 15.00 Lunch

Chair: Guglielmo Califano

15.00: L. ILLETTERATI – E. TRIPALDI (Padova): The Ambiguity of Metaphysics in Hegel’s Philosophy

16.00: Coffee Break

16.15: J. BANWELL (Sydney): The Justification of Logic as Metaphysics

17.00: G. LUCIANO (Sydney/Padova): Logic and The Introduction to Philosophy

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/hegelpd-ahs-workshop-logic-metaphysics-and-nature-themes-from-hegel-padova-15-june-2018/