

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Reportage: DAAD Workshop “Nature in Question: Between Classical German Philosophy and Contemporary Thought” (Padua, December 18th-19th, 2017)

As a Christmas present, hpd launches its first reportage series.
We are constantly trying to enrich our websites with new contents in order to satisfy our readers’ curiosity and needs.
The reportages we propose focus on three international workshops and congresses we hosted at Padua University in December 2017: “Ripensare il sistema: per il bicentenario dell’Enciclopedia delle scienze filosofiche”; “Philosophy as/and/of Literature: On the Cognitive Value of Literature” and “Nature in Question: Between Classical German Philosophy and Contemporary Thought”.

The series has been coordinated and realized by Eleonora Cugini, Giovanna Luciano, Giovanna Miolli and Elena Tripaldi.


On December 18th and 19th, the University of Padua hosted the DAAD international workshop “Nature in Question: Between Classical German Philosophy and Contemporary Thought”. The event was organized by Luca Corti (Porto/Bonn/Padua) and Johannes-Georg Schülein (Bochum), and part of the larger 2017-2018 research project “Rethinking Nature. Naturalism, Human Subjectivity, and Cognition between Classical German Philosophy and the Contemporary Debates“, run by the the Forschungszentrum für Klassische Deutsche Philosophie /Hegel-Archiv at the University of Bochum and the Research Group in Classical German Philosophy at the University of Padua.

Talks were given by Charlotte Alderwick (Bristol), Mario de Caro (Rome), Daniel Elon (Bochum), Majk Feldmeier (Bochum), Paul Giladi (Dublin), Susanne Herrmann-Sinai (Leipzig/Oxford), Luca Illetterati (Padua), Johannes-Georg Schülein (Bochum), Christoph Schuringa (London), Philipp Schwabb (Freiburg), and David Zapero (Bonn).

The workshop also involved the participation of several young scholars (from Bochum, Padua, and Verona), who contributed to the discussion: Giulia Battistoni, Giulia Bernard, Theodor Berwe, Marco Cappabianca, Davide Dalla Rosa, Jan Dieren, Alessandro Esposito, Gaia Ferrari, Markus Gante, Andreas Giesbert, Sarah Kissler, Giulia La Rocca, Sonia Lisco, Nicolò Marchi, Giulio Mariottini, Nils Multmeier, Steffen Münter, Margherita Pugnaletto, Niccolò Sbolci, Felix Schneider.

The two organizers, Luca Illetterati, and Barbara Santini chaired the four sessions of the workshop.

Aim of the workshop was to interrogate the notion of nature developed in the tradition of Classical German Philosophy both from a historical and a theoretical point of view. On the one hand, the hope was to provide deeper understanding of the notions Classical German philosophers used to conceptualize “nature” and natural aspects of action and cognition; on the other, the aim was to put the classical view into close dialogue with current debates on nature and naturalism.

The main topics discussed were Kant, Hegel and Schelling’s conception of nature and cognition; the metaphysics of animal subjectivity; various understanding of self-reference (both naturalistic and non-naturalistic) as well as “liberalised naturalism”. The Fichte-Schelling relation was discussed as well as their respective models for understanding natural explanation. Views from Kierkegaard were elaborated thanks to contemporary theory of embodiment.

This reportage was written by Giovanna Miolli. Eleonora Cugini, Giovanna Luciano, Giovanna Miolli, and Elena Tripaldi curated the photogallery. Pictures have been taken by Giulia Battistoni, Arianna Longo, and Giovanna Miolli.

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/reportage-daad-workshop-nature-in-question-between-classical-german-philosophy-and-contemporary-thought-padua-december-18th-19th-2017/