

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

CFP: “TRUTH AND FREEDOM IN HEGEL AND SCHELLING” (18-20th September University of Malaga)

We are glad to announce that the Hegel Society of Spain (Sociedad Española de Estudios sobre Hegel) SHEGEL, organizes its VI International Congress in 2017, which will take place at the University of Málaga, Spain, from 18-20 September 2017. The Congress is co-hosted by the Research Group on German Idealism at the University of Málaga.

The VI International Conference of the Hegel Society of Spain deals with the relationship between truth and freedom in the philosophical systems of Hegel and Schelling, in their historical, theoretical, practical and existential perspectives.

Contributions will be welcome in English, German, French, Italian and Portuguese. Accepted papers selected for presentation will require Matriculation in the Congress.

Submissions are invited from faculty members and graduate students on any aspect of the theme of the conference. Please send a descriptive summary of no more than 800 words by 1st May 2017 as an e-mail attachment (word.doc or pdf) specifying:

  1. The name of the author
  2. Title of the submitted paper
  3. Author’s and affiliation (if any) and Email address.
  4. An indication of the section for which the paper is intended.

Full contributions should be no longer than 20 minutes

Submission of papers should be sent to:
contacto@shegel.es ( Hegel)
jjpadial@uma.es (Schelling)

Submission Deadline: 1 st May 2017
Notification of Acceptance: 30 June 2017
Date and place of Conference: 18-20 September 2017, Málaga, Spain
Scientific Directors:
Prof. Dr. María del Carmen Paredes-Martín, Universidad de Salamanc
Prof. Dr. Juan José Padial, Universidad de Málaga

Scientific Committee:
Prof. Dr. Mariano Álvarez-Gómez, Universidad de Salamanca
Prof. Dr. Gabriel Amengual, Universidad de las Islas Baleares
Prof. Dr. Iago Ramos, Universidad de Salamanca
Prof. Dr. Juan Manuel Navarro, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Prof. Dr. Salvio Turró Tomás, Universidad de Barcelona
Prof. Dr. Antonio Gómez Ramos, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

For further information, please visit the website of Sociedad Española de Estudios sobre Hegel and Research Group on German Idealism



  1. Truth and freedom in the History of philosophy
    1. Truth and freedom in German idealism and today’s importance
    2. Shelling and/or Hegel’s influence in philosophy of history
    3. cultural and philosophical contexts
  2. Truth and freedom from a theoretical perspective
    1. the idea of system as articulation of truth and freedom
    2. truth and freedom as metaphysical principles
    3. Concept of truth in German idealism
    4. Idealist freedom and its developments
  3. Truth and freedom from a practical perspective
    1. Realization of freedom and expansion of human consciousness
    2. truth in law and politics
    3. truth in history
    4. truth in art and technical works
    5. religious truth in rite and myth
  4. Truth and freedom from an existential perspective
    1. truth and/or falsity of selfconsciousness
    2. truth of experience and the science of selfconsciousness’ experience
    3. truth in the articulation of life, freedom and consciousness
    4. implications between intellect (truth) and will (freedom) in the human being

Congress description:

Schelling and Hegel were deeply convinced of the harmony between polis and nature since their philosophical beginnings. This convincement contrasted with the manifold divisions between nature and civilization, sensibility and reason, the individual and community as well as life and science sustained by many of other contemporary philosophies. Far from opposing freedom to nature, Hegel and Schelling opened the way to the great systems of philosophy in the XIX century: first, in their early writings and later in their developed thought. Hegel dealt with the problem of truth since his Jugendschriften and Schelling stressed the force of freedom as philosophical principle.

In their works of maturity, they continued to reflect on these topics. Schelling considers history as a declining turn from the mythological revelation of the unity of nature and spirit. For Hegel, history is the development of human freedom and the expansion of selfconsciousness. Subsequent philosophical proposals hanged upon the shattering course of both approaches.

The idea of system as understood by Hegel and Schelling entails the articulation of truth and freedom at different levels. From a theoretical perspective, it is the reflexively grasped articulation of freedom and the real. From a practical standpoint, it will result in the various relations between truth and freedom, in other words, it gives the way to a reflexive execution of what was already theoretically grasped. It is the truth of law, morality, history and politics, as well as the works belonging to art, religion, and technical procedure. Finally, the articulation of truth and freedom on the existential plane deals with the truth and/or falsity of selfconsciousness, experience, and the links between life and freedom as well as between intellect (truth) and will (freedom) in the human being. Further theories of historical selfconsciousness (f.ex. Dilthey and philosophical anthropology), transcendental selfconsciousness (Husserl and phenomenology) or hermeneutical selfconsciousness (Heidegger, Gadamer, etc.) will come to the fore in dialogue or confrontation with the great German idealists.

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/cfp-truth-and-freedom-in-hegel-and-schelling-18-20th-september-university-of-malaga/