
ONLINE CONFERENCE: Hegel 250 Anos: Fenomenologia, Lógica e Sistema (3-5 March 2021)

We are glad to give notice of the online Conference Hegel 250 Anos: Fenomenologia, Lógica e Sistema (Hegel 250 Years: Phenomenology, Logica, and System), which will take place on 3-5 March, 2021. The conference is organised by The Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages, and Human Sciences, University of São Paulo. The Conference will be held online and streamed. For links and further information, please write to or access


Below you can find the programm of the conference.


3 March, 2021

12:45–1:00 PM
Homenagem ao Prof. Dr. Marcos Müller (A Tribute to Prof. Dr. Marcos Müller)

1:00–2:30 PM

Hegel: la philosophie politique comme épistémologie (Hegel: Political Philosophy as Epistemology)

Prof. Dr. Jean-François Kervégan (University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne)

3:00–6:00 PM: Roundtable I

Discussant: Prof. Dr. Michela Bordignon (Federal University of ABC)

3:00-3:20 PM
Phenomenology of Spirit as an Introduction to Science: a learner paradox? – Jiahiu Feng (University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne)

3:20-3:40 PM
From a ladder to a mere rung: the functions of the Phenomenology of Spirit within and without Hegel’s Encyclopedia – Emmanuel Chaput (University of Ottawa)

3:40-4:00 PM
The problem of circularity between the Phenomenology of Spirit and the Science of Logic – Federico Orsini (Federal University of Lavras)

4:00-4:20 PM
The Scientific Status of Hegel’s Logic and the Matter of its Beginning – Robb Dunphy (University College Dublin)

4:20-4:40 PM
Essence and representation as moments of mediation in the Hegelian system: a comparison between the Logic and the Psychology of the Subjective Spirit – Martina Barnaba (“La Sapienza” University of Rome)

4:40-5:30 PM: Comments on Papers

5:30-6:00 PM: Replies and Debate


4 March, 2021

1:00–2:30 PM
Hegel’s Notion of Life – Prof. Dr. Luca Illetterati (University of Padova)

3:00–6:00 PM: Roundtable II

Discussant: Prof. Dr. Ricardo Crissiuma (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul/Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning – CEBRAP)

3:00-3:20 PM
A questão da forma e do conteúdo como fundamento lógico do sistema das artes de Hegel – Gustavo de Azevedo Torrecilha (University of São Paulo)

3:20-3:40 PM
A luta contra a “dominação da vontade”: segunda natureza, efetividade e crítica imanente nas Grundlinien– Patrícia Riffel de Almeida (Western Paraná State University/ University of Kassel)

3:40-4:00 PM
Loucura e pensamento na filosofia do espírito de Hegel – Felipe Aiello (São Paulo State University)

4:00-4:20 PM
“A impotência da natureza”: necessidade e contingência lógica, natural e espiritual – Régis de Melo Alves (University of São Paulo)

4:20-5:10 PM: Comments on Papers

5:10-6:00 PM: Replies and Debate


5 March, 2021

1:00–2:00 PM
Espiritualidade e vida interior no jovem Hegel (Spirituality and Inner Life in the young Hegel) – Prof. Dr. Oliver Tolle (University of São Paulo)

2:00–5:00 PM: Roundtable III
Discussant: Prof. Dr. Giorgia Cecchinato (Federal University of Minas Gerais)

2:00-2:20 PM
O arcaísmo da substancialidade na Differenzschrift – Luiz Filipe da Silva Oliveira (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)

2:20-2:40 PM
Imediatidade e início na Ciência da lógica de Hegel – Dalmiro Schwartz Lara (University of Campinas)

2:40-3:00 PM
A relação entre as autoconsciências e o Estado como garantia do livre relacionar – Nayara Sandrin da Cruz (São Paulo State University)

3:00-3:20 PM
Efetividade entre lógica e política – Marcus Vinicius da Conceição Felizardo (University of São Paulo)

3:20-4:10 PM: Comments on Papers

4:10-5:00 PM: Replies and Debate

5:30-6:30 PM

Do Logos à Physis. Sobre a passagem da Lógica para a Filosofia da Natureza no sistema de Hegel (From Logos to Physis: On the transition of the Logic to the Philosophy of Nature in Hegel’s System) – Profa. Dra. Márcia Cristina Ferreira Gonçalves (Rio de Janeiro State University)


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